SUN After-School Program

Lane offers an after-school SUN Community School program, running from October to December and from February to May. It’s a great way for students to learn, explore, and connect after school!

Winter SUN Registration: Opens Monday, December 9th

Winter Term Dates: Monday, January 13th - Thursday, March 13th

SUN Contact Information

LMS SUN Site Manager: Chelsea Kimura


LMS SUN Site Assistant: Will Grebner


LMS SUN Food Resource Navigator: Stephanie Torgerson


SUN’s Expectations for Students & Families

Lane SUN is here to provide fun enrichment programs that are inclusive for all, while maintain the safety for those who are participating. Therefore we have created some Lane SUN Expectations that all Students will need to follow. Please take some time to review with your child!

  1. Positive and Appropriate Language use at all times.

  2. Cell Phone Policy Use: Cell phones will remain on Silent during the SUN Program. Families are encouraged to contact the SUN Site Manager Chelsea Kimura 971-917-6285 or the SUN Site Assistant Will Grebner 503-896-1473 for emergencies during the SUN working hours.

  3. ZERO tolerance for bullying. Respect instructors and peers at all times to help maintain our SUN space to be inclusive and safe for all.

  4. Attendance Policy: If you need to leave the program early, you MUST have a parent/guardian permission & check out with a SUN staff before leaving. Students are to sign in and out with specific times of coming in and leaving the Lane SUN Program. This helps us to keep track of students and to let families know when students are leaving the program.

    If you are concerned about your student’s attendance, please email the Lane SUN site manager Chelsea Kimura (